From the Principal

Please let me start this update with a message of real appreciation to you for the way that you, as a parent and student body, supported the College over the challenges of the past two weeks. Events like this are a real crucible for both individuals and wider communities. Our staff and students who have been directly impacted by the tragedy of Zaeden's passing have handled the challenges with strength. We continue to pray for Zaeden and his family as they manage the reality of his loss.
Very sadly, the Gotze family, who are a foundation family of the College, also lost their daughter and sister Caitlin suddenly last Wednesday. Caitlin was 23 and was developing a very successful career in the racing industry. We pray also for them in their grief.
This will be the last newsletter of the academic year.
Please let me thank you for the positive contribution you have made to the culture of our wonderful College. As you will see in subsequent pages of the newsletter, we have much to report regarding our growth, the exciting learning taking place in our classrooms and the Sports and Arts activities that we have engaged in.
We will very soon be in the season of Advent. Advent is the four weeks where we prepare for the arrival of Jesus on Christmas Day. I had the good fortune of watching the Prep Nativity rehearsals on Wednesday and was reminded of the beautiful simplicity of the Christmas story. The star, the manger, the inn, the wise men. All of the imagery and symbolism is a constant part of our memory - just ingrained. Less natural to us nowadays is how we can intentionally approach Christmas during Advent. It used to be a kind of 'mini-Lent' and some more traditional Catholics still observe that. Most of us though just start to acknowledge Christmas and the associated trappings of it as the weather warms and the tinsel comes out in the supermarkets.
Pope Francis refers to Advent as being a constant call to hope. It is a lovely way to consider the season - to reflect that the wait for Christmas is in fact a wait for a message of renewal, warmth and compassion. Right now, given the events of the last couple of weeks, I feel assured that hope is amongst us. More than that though - a deeper spirit supported our young people who encountered such difficulty last week. In the grief and tragedy that we faced our young people looked with compassion, strength and love towards eachother and found within those interactions a place for God. Advent may be about preparing for God, but I think it could also be about being prepared to open the door when He is knocking.
I am so incredibly privileged to lead Mary MacKillop and I want you to know how honoured I feel to do so. I feel that we have had a really successful year and I am so excited about the academic and building projects we have in train for 2022.
I hope you all have a really lovely and safe break. Please take care.
Chris Gabbett