Principal's Report

Thank you so much to the community members who attended our inaugural Co-Curricular Awards evening on Tuesday.
I thought it was a really fantastic two hours. We have so many activities on at the College now that we cannot pay due honour to all students and their various passions in just one Awards evening, hence this additional one. To be honest, we struggled in two hours on Tuesday! What a wonderful advertisement for the variety of opportunities our students have and the dedication of their parents and teachers.
On the subject of co-curricular engagement, I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Queensland Combined Independent Schools (QCIS) on Tuesday. MMCC was a founding member of this group, but due to a few concerns in 2019, I withdrew us. We have been invited to re-join, and we will again be competing regularly next year with Downlands, Concordia, Our Lady of the Southern Cross College, Scots PGC, and Toowoomba Anglican School on a regular basis. This will provide us as a P-12 College with valuable fixtures and a benchmark for our progress.
It was positive to hear in the meeting that QCIS is developing a number of inter-school cultural and artistic activities too. This is really exciting - as was evidenced on Tuesday evening and at other events, we have a lot to offer.
Next week we say our goodbyes to our graduating class of year 12s. They have been a fabulous year group and they have contributed a lot to our culture. I hope that next week is really special for our year 12s but also for their families.

I hope you are all keeping safe and well as we near the end of the year. Thank you as ever for your ongoing support.
Take care.
Mr Chris Gabbett
College Principal