From the Principal

'God wants us to take fresh courage'.
Thus wrote St Mary MacKillop in her personal diary on 21 May 1877. As we are on the cusp of her Feast Day, it is right that we reflect on her words and her actions.
She was a woman who had to take many brave steps with little but her own faith and conviction supporting her. Often, she was significantly let down by people who could and should have supported her. Her commitment to walking in the margins of nineteenth century Australia and supporting those there provided a template for compassion and care. The schools her Sisters established changed the educational landscape for the better - particularly in regional and remote areas - and the ongoing mission of the Josephites remains committed to supporting those who cannot easily support themselves. It is a mission that we must take seriously as a College and as a community.
More literally for our community right now, I can see the need for us to take fresh courage. I have been involved in a lot of conversations this term about the College's immediate future. You will have seen via other channels that we are designing and tendering for new buildings, that we are restructuring leadership positions and broadening the curriculum. Any change - even positive change - involves a degree of bravery. I remarked to some Board members this week that the movement away from the 'muscle memory' of classrooms and curriculum is an exciting but slightly scary process.
The same is true of our students who are needing 'fresh courage' as they navigate the impact of Covid on education. On Tuesday, Federal member John McVeigh met with myself, Ms Cridland, Mrs Gillett and the two College Captains. A lot of conversation focussed on the impact of the pandemic upon learning, exams and hoped for outcomes. This is to say nothing of the experience of all students who have endured small but significant changes in classroom processes to keep us Covid safe. It has been a troubling time, and I know a lot of our younger students have had to draw on significant reserves of bravery to negotiate this.
I had the good fortune to observe briefly some sporting fixtures this week. Our lower senior girl's soccer team enjoyed a 5-4 victory over St Ursula's on Monday. This is a really wonderful result, particularly for Mr Naiker who started forming this group last year. On Wednesday, our U/13 and U/15 rugby union boys defeated St Mary's College at Gold Park in the Darling Downs Super Rugby Cup. These games were really free-flowing and our boys showed great skill and, just as importantly, real discipline. A huge thanks to these players as well as Mr Griffiths and Mr Coren who have convened this involvement. Our senior boys soccer team were defeated by St Mary's on Wednesday, but despite playing against an older side acquitted themselves very well.
Keeping with the theme of courage - a big shout out to the College members who wear the colours playing 'up' against older, bigger teams. As we grow, this will be a recurring theme, but crucially it will not always be.
Thank you as always for your support of our work here.