As we approach Mother’s Day, it is a time to reflect on the love, sacrifice, and support that the mothers and mother figures in our community provide. This special day is not only a celebration of mothers but also an opportunity to honour all women who have played a significant role in nurturing and shaping the lives of our students and wider community.
Our College takes pride in fostering an environment that values family, community, and the anchors of a lived faith. Importantly, we recognize and celebrate the vital contributions that mothers make in the education and development of their children. Mothers’ involvement in school activities, support in academic endeavours, and the moral guidance they offer at home are integral to the success of our students.
One aspect of the impact of mums that echoes for me is the link between a mother’s expectations and the success of a child. Data from Growing up in Australia – the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, indicates that more than half of mothers expected their child to obtain a university degree. What followed was children’s expectations for their own educational achievements were closely related to their mother’s expectations, with children whose mothers held high expectations also having high expectations for themselves.
Now, we know that a university degree is not for everyone in our community and many of our graduates succeed without attending uni. Let's replace that with ‘reaching potential’. Our mothers are often our first champion, the benchmark for our values compass and the place we go when the well runs dry. As a Catholic College – we don’t negotiate on the fullness of life that reaching potential brings.
On this Mother’s Day, let’s express our gratitude for the mothers who enrich our lives and help us reach potential. Let us also extend our appreciation to the female teachers and staff members who, through their daily interactions, provide motherly care and guidance to our students.
Thank you to the families who joined us during the Mother’s Day celebration and liturgies this morning.
Wishing all mothers and mother figures a blessed and joyful Mother’s Day.
Mr Chris Gabbett College Principal
Senior Twilight Principal's Tour
This event is open to all families considering enrolling at the College in Year 7 - 12 in 2025 or 2026. Our Twilight Tours provides families the opportunity to tour the campus with our College Principal, members of the Executive Leadership Team and our College Captains and hear first-hand experiences from staff and students.
Complimentary light refreshments will be served by students and the College Chef throughout the evening.
To register for this event, please visit the College website.
Phoebe Burton Enrolments Officer
Enrolment Applications for Year 7, 2025 closing end of Term 2
There are limited spaces for Year 7, 2025 and enrolment applications are closing at the end of Term 2 on Friday, 21 June. Please pass this information to any family and friends who still need to submit an application. All enrolment applications are submitted online via the College website.
Any questions please contact our Enrolments Team via email.
Enrolments Team
Staff Profile: (Rhys Faulks)
Your official role at the College:
School Officer – Industrial Design & Technology
What does a typical day really look like:
The typical part of my day is that you will find me somewhere amongst the hustle and bustle of the workshop as students are producing their amazing projects. After that I will be performing a wide range of peripheral tasks such as ordering hardware supplies and tools or maintaining the chemical register.
Secondary School attended:
St Joseph’s College, Toowoomba
What do you like about working at Mary MacKillop?
The support and guidance supplied in working alongside knowledgeable and experienced teachers such as Mr Varley and Mr Brunner. Additionally, the opportunity to operate, supervise and assist in usage of the CO2 laser, 3D printer or any of the other brilliant machines and tool resources that MMCC offers their students to advance their learning.
What are your hobbies/Interests?
I have way too many… the NBA (go Celtics!), Lego, cooking, VR, movies, comics, gardening, music, hiking and golf to name just a few, however, the one that perhaps trumps them all is PINBALL!
Other interesting facts about yourself or anything else you would like to share with the MMCC Community:
My professional background is in Finance and IT reporting for Business and Government, so I’m new to working in Education. I’m very appreciative of being given the opportunity to begin my career in education at MMCC. I’m really enjoying engaging and speaking with the students and seeing them learn and develop new skills.
What is the main thing you want your students to learn in the classroom:
To embrace creativity and problem solving (STEM).
How is your work related to the 6 Ps?
Possibilities and Practical Action resonate most of all. The idea that anybody can achieve amazing things with the combination of imagination and hard work is very important to me. I hope that through my work I will demonstrate this to students.
2024 Musical Sponsorship
We are extremely proud and thrilled to announce that our 2024 Musical Sponsors have been confirmed. We are very thankful and grateful to:
We are so excited to see this production take to the stage in July 2024.
Genevieve Duncan Musical Director
Mission & Identity
Unconditional Love
Today we celebrated the mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and mother figures with a wonderful breakfast prepared by our College Cafe followed by a liturgy celebrated in houses and prepared by the students.
Mother Mary, Jesus' mother, is an example for us all, as mothers! Mary listened deeply and pondered many times about her role as Jesus' mother - accepting the message from the Holy Spirit that she was pregnant, having a future husband not wanting to disgrace her for being pregnant out of wedlock, travelling a long way in her final term of pregnancy to finally give birth to Jesus in a strange place - not her home and not even in a home - caring for Jesus is the Jewish tradition, and most difficult of all, being beside her Son as he suffered in the final hours of his life.
Mary had unconditional love that enabled Jesus to grow up in a loving environment and being supported to be himself. We don't hear much about Mary once Jesus reaches adulthood and starts his ministry to spread a new message of love.
As a mother, often we put other's needs ahead of our own - unconditional love. Often, we are asked to continue the role in the home even when we are feeling sick and unwell. I am sure you can think of many other times that you would put the needs of your family and significant others ahead of our own needs. Unconditional love! A love that has no attachments, no strings and only support.
I will finish with the prayer that was created for today's liturgy that encapsulates the 6 Ps for mothers:
Dear Lord,
Bless our mothers, we pray,
On this special Mother's Day.
For their Passion and love that never ends,
Their warm smiles and being our best friends.
For the Possibilities they help us see,
And the people they inspire us to be.
For their Perseverance in every task,
No matter what challenges we may ask.
For their Practical Action, in all they do,
Their lessons in kindness, forever true.
For their Partnership in our daily lives,
Their unwavering support as we strive.
May they feel Your love on this day,
And know how much we appreciate their way.
For every hug, lesson, and helping hand,
And the countless ways they understand.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!
Paula O'Rourke Assistant Principal Religious Education
Encounter, witness, and a common message
The commemoration of the birth of the Church is approaching (Pentecost) on Sunday, 19 May. This important date in the liturgical calendar signifies the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus which ignited a heart of evangelising missionary works. Imbued with the Holy Spirit the disciples set about establishing Christian communities and spreading the message of Jesus. As Christians the gifts of the Holy Spirit received at Pentecost are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear and awe of the Lord. I personally believe that developing a spiritual self is critical in weathering the ups and downs of life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are clear examples of characteristics students at Mary MacKillop develop as they journey through spiritual development at the College.
Social outreach
The last fortnight has again demonstrated the charity and commitment to community that our students embody. Students have put their hands up to assist with the DVAC Domestic Violence Rally, Mother's Day breakfast and liturgy, junior school disco, St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal, Healing Hands cooking, Vinnie's women's shelter support, and parishioner technology tutorials. Getting involved and acting in the interest of others helps our young people grow in character and spirit. I would encourage all parents to speak with your son/daughter about getting involved in the many social outreach opportunities we present.
Ryan Cavanough Director of Formation and College Culture
AMMA Winter Appeal
Each winter, the Actioning Mary MacKillop Advocacy (AMMA) group runs a blanket and jacket drive to collect warm blankets and coats for people experiencing homelessness in our community. This winter, Tony's Community Kitchen and Rosies: Friends on the Street are in need of other items as well.
Starting from week 4, AMMA’s Winter Appeal is calling for donations of:
Tinned soup and non-perishable items such as Milo, hot chocolate or coffee
Bamboo forks and spoons (no knives please)
Packs of serviettes/napkins
New and clean, good condition blankets or sleeping bags
Clean, good condition winter coats.
If possible, families are asked to send donated items to school with their child/ren who will then place their donation into the PC/classroom basket. Please do not take donations to the College Office.
All enquiries can be made to Meg Puhakka via email.
Meg Puhakka Teacher
Parish News
Parish Mass Time:
Every Sunday, St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish gathers in the MacKillop Centre to celebrate together. You are invited to be part of this celebration. Sunday Mass starts at 8:00am (unless otherwise advised) and is led by Fr Brian Noonan.
Thank you, Mary MacKillop Catholic College, for allowing us once again this term to have our senior parishioners attend the Technology Session. We have learnt so much from the Year 10 - 12 students and thank them for their kindness and patience.
Mary Meehan from our Parish has once again started collecting old stamps for the missions and encouraging others to knit 10inch x 10inch squares to allow us to put them together as quilts for the missions. Mary would be very grateful if the College Community could contribute with either stamps or squares. These can be left for collection by Mary, in the foyer of the MacKillop Centre.
Parish Council News April Meeting:
A big thank you to all who were involved in our very enjoyable Potluck dinner on Saturday, 27 April. Your help in preparation, attendance and cooking made this a great success. We thank Bishop Ken for celebrating mass with us and staying to enjoy fellowship with parishioners and guests.
Also, a big thank you to Rachelle Patterson CEO of Lifeline Darling Downs and Southwest Queensland, who spoke wonderfully and gave us lots to think about. A big thank you to College Principal Chris Gabbett for allowing us to have the MacKillop Centre for that evening.
The month of June will see Parish Council present a PowerPoint reflecting the vision/mission statement of our Parish. This will lead to a facilitated discussion on our Strategic Parish Plan. All parishioners are welcome, and we encourage all to participate. More details to come.
We will be launching our new Parish Logo on Sunday, 11 August. This will combine with St Mary MacKillop Catholic College Feast Day celebrations and Alumni Day. We will soon be calling for volunteers to help run/organise two areas of fundraising for us as a Parish – a BBQ and a Cake Stall. Please consider helping in these two areas. More details to come.
We have set the date for our 2024 Parish Trivia Night!!! Saturday, 9 November. Hooray! Thank you to all those who continue to make our Parish a vibrant, welcoming community.
St Mary MacKillop Catholic Parish
Senior School
Busy start to Term 2 for Year 10
What a busy start to the term it has been for Year 10. During week 2 we held the annual Year 10 Careers Retreat, where students engaged in presentations about the importance of understanding the strengths and values and the role this plays in developing a career pathway. Students expanded their knowledge on school-based traineeship/apprenticeships, QCE and ATAR. The financial literacy workshop had all the kids on the edge of their seats and are still in disbelief of how much tax their parents pay, but the favourite sessions are always the life after school stories from the College Alumni and Career journeys from their teachers.
The Retreat was wrapped up with presentations from industry representatives regarding the opportunities available to them in the Toowoomba area. We would like to thank Toowoomba Catholic Schools, Martin's Haulage, Boeing and Queensland Police for these presentations. Students then engaged in an expo style event where they were given the opportunity to chat with employers, training organisations, and universities about the wide range of choice available to them on completion of Year 12.
In week 3 nearly 30 Year 10 students participated in UniSQ's Discovery Day. Students were able to select 3 activities of interest that would allow them to understand what fields of study were available at UniSQ. This is always a popular event for the schools of the Darling Downs and was impressive to see over 500 students in attendance.
So why are we targeting Year 10 this term? It's to prepare them for what's next on their educational journey, whether it's University, an apprenticeship or developing employability skills.
Your Pathway Team Jennifer Stevenson and Christie Richardson
The Benefits of the Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan
Creating a Senior Education and Training (SET) plan is crucial for students as it maps out their individual learning pathway through the senior phase of education. So what are the benefits of creating such a plan:
1. Empowerment and Informed Decisions:
Participation in the SET planning process empowers students to make informed decisions about their own future.
Students take ownership of their pathway plan, with the support of their parents or carers and the school2.
2. Guidance and Direction:
The SET plan ensures that students remain on track for success in senior secondary education and post-school options.
It provides a clear roadmap for achieving their intended learning goals during the compulsory participation phase4.
3. Alignment with Goals:
The SET plan aligns with various educational pathways, including working towards the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA), Senior Statement, VET qualifications, and viable work options1.
By setting specific goals within the plan, students can focus on their desired outcomes.
4. Holistic Development:
The planning process encourages students to consider their academic, vocational, and personal development.
It helps them explore different options, including vocational education and training (VET), university, or employment.
5. Transition Readiness:
A well-structured SET plan prepares students for the transition from school to further education or work.
It ensures that they have the necessary skills, knowledge, and qualifications to pursue their chosen path.
Ways to help your child before during the SET Planning Process
It's completely normal for students to feel unsure about their career path during the Senior Education and Training (SET) planning process. Here are some steps you can take if your child is uncertain:
1. Self-Reflection and Exploration:
Encourage your child to engage in self-reflection. What are their interests, strengths, and values? What subjects or activities do they enjoy?
Explore different career fields together. Attend career expos, workshops, and online resources to learn about various professions.
2. Career Assessment Tools:
Many online tools and assessments can help identify potential career paths based on personality traits, interests, and skills.
Consider using tools like Career CoPilot, My Career Match, CareerQuest, or MyFuture to provide insights into suitable career options.
3. Talk to Professionals:
Arrange informational interviews or shadowing opportunities with professionals in fields your child finds interesting.
Hearing firsthand experiences can help clarify whether a particular career aligns with their expectations.
4. Flexible Pathways:
Remind your child that their SET plan doesn't have to be rigid. It's okay to explore different pathways.
They can choose a mix of academic subjects, vocational courses, and work experience to keep their options open.
5. Seek Guidance from College Staff:
College career advisors and teachers can provide personalized advice. Encourage your child to discuss their uncertainties with them.
Schools often offer career counselling sessions or workshops to guide students through decision-making.
6. Gap Year or Further Exploration:
If your child is still unsure, consider a gap year. They can use this time to gain work experience, travel, or explore different interests.
Some students find clarity during a gap year and return to education with a clearer vision.
Remember that career paths are rarely linear, and it's okay for your child to explore different options. The SET plan is a flexible tool that can adapt as they learn more about themselves and their interests.
Your Pathway Team Jennifer Stevenson and Christie Richardson
Mayoral Morning Tea with our College Captains
Last week our College Captains and Mr Gabbett attended the Mayoral Morning Tea at the Highfields Cultural Centre.
The Mayoral Morning Tea is an annual event for students across the Toowoomba Region in recognition of their roles as future leaders in our community. The morning provides students the opportunity to speak about their experiences as leaders, interact with their peers, and engage with Mayor Geoff McDonald and the Councillors of the Toowoomba Region.
External Arts Competitions and Events for students
John Bell Scholarship
Opens: 29 April 2024
Closes: 30 October 2024
Interested in a career as a performer and attend school in a regional area? Audition for the John Bell Scholarship. A life-changing opportunity for budding performers, three students will spend one incredible week training with Bell Shakespeare at our HQ in Sydney.
Explore a world of artistic innovation and creative expression as we showcase our vibrant community of budding artists, designers, performers, and writers. Immerse yourself in interactive workshops, captivating exhibitions, and engaging demonstrations across a spectrum of disciplines, from visual and performing arts to film and animation, industrial design, architecture and more. This is your chance to connect with passionate faculty, gain insights into our cutting-edge facilities, and envision the endless possibilities of a future in the arts.
2025 Embracing Our Differences International Art Exhibition
Opens: 1 March 2024
Closes: 1 July 2024
Artists possess a powerful tool to evoke social change. Without uttering a single word, they can enlighten, educate and affect change around the world. Embracing Our Differences invites you to participate in creating a society where inclusion is embraced and individuality is celebrated.
Become a part of this change by submitting your original art to Embracing Our Differences and its annual international outdoor juried art exhibit.
Your Pathway Team Jennifer Stevenson and Christie Richardson
Junior School
Mayoral Morning Tea for our Junior College Leaders
Our Junior College Leaders, Calan and Braxton, along with Mrs Preston attended the 2024 Mayoral Morning Tea. Both leaders have included a reflection below.
As Junior College Leaders, we attended the Mayoral Morning Tea. We heard speeches from Mayor Geoff McDonald and school captains from other schools in the Darling Downs.
Mayor McDonald, in his second term as Mayor, spoke about character being an important quality as a leader. Highlighting that being a leader is about more than just wearing a badge. He shared with us the values that he has as a person, but also the values that the Toowoomba Regional Council operates under. Using the acronym HARTS, he spoke about the values of honesty, accountability, respect, trust, and safety as key values. At the end of his speech, he encouraged us to demonstrate our passion as leaders to improve our schools and leave a legacy for others.
Next on the agenda, the other Junior College Captains had the opportunity to speak. They all spoke about what leadership means to them and how they demonstrate it in their schools. Many commonalities were clear - being a role model, accepting extra responsibilities, and getting to enjoy representing their schools.
Through partnership, we were able to further understand that being Junior College Leaders is more than just a badge, and we need to always work hard to act with a good character. It was a great experience for us and we had an amazing morning.
Calan and Braxton Junior College Leaders
Joey Badges
Congratulations to our Year 1 - 6 students who recently received a Joeys Badge. These students have worked diligently to display positive learning behaviours consistently throughout Term 1 receiving 20 Joey points.
Year 6 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 6 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 5 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 5 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 4 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 4 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 3 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 3 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 2 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 2 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 1 Joey Badge Award RecipientsYear 1 Joey Badge Award Recipients
Well done and a big congratulations to all.
Ms Kate Carroll and Mrs Lisa Preston Primary Middle Leader
WOW & Super Writer Awards
Super and WOW Writer Awards are presented to one student in Years 1-6 who have demonstrated the use of sentence styles, vocabulary, and creativity to write a particular text. Well done and congratulations to these students. Amazing work and effort!
Week 2 Super & WOW Writer Award Recipients
Super Writers are awarded to students in Years 1 and 2, and WOW Writers to students in Years 3-6.
Ms Kate Carroll and Mrs Lisa Preston Primary Middle Leaders
MMCC Radio Star!
Congratulations to Charlie Neale who hit the airwaves Wednesday morning as the Triple M Weather Kid!
Student Wellbeing
Free Parent Webinar: Phones and Social Media
Phones & Social Media: Wellio Parent Webinar: Thursday,14 May at 6:30pm (AEDT)
Join Wellio for a free webinar to learn practical strategies that will help your children manage phone addiction and social media.
Reality vs Social Media: we discuss how students compare their lives with what they see on social media and the impact this has on their self esteem. We'll share 3 simple strategies to keep them on track.
Technology and Sleep: 73% of teenagers aren't getting enough sleep and their devices are a primary cause. We explain how you can limit the impact.
Techniques to manage anxiety: A toolkit of strategies that you can use to help your child manage and prevent anxiety developing as a result of social media and phone use..
2024 Parent Webinar Schedule:
Please see below for the dates for our other free parent webinars running across the year:
Tuesday, 14 May 6:30pm - Phones & Social Media
Thursday, 29 August 6:30pm - Building Healthy Relationships
Thursday, 31 October 6:30pm - Resilience & Setbacks
These webinars are open to all members of our community. When registering you are required to select the grade of your child, please select Year 7 if your child is younger than Year 7.
Sean Albion Assistant Principal Wellbeing
Adair Donaldson Parent Session
St Joseph's College invites you to attend a parent information session with Adair Donaldson. The focus will be 'Raising good young people for our modern world'.
Venue: St Joseph's College, MacKillop Centre (face-to-face presentation)
Date: Tuesday 14 May
Time: 5:30 - 6:30pm
Delivery of Presentation: Face-to-Face presentation at St Joseph's College OR via Live Stream
Adair Donaldson is a valued Solicitor who has been making a significant impact on young people in high schools. His presentations focus on educating students about the legal consequences of various real-world scenarios.
In his engaging presentations, he covers critical issues such as sexual harassment, consent, social media, alcohol abuse, violence, and illicit drug use. By guiding students through these topics in a fun yet effective manner, he ensures they understand their rights and the laws governing specific actions. His presentations equip young people with knowledge that extends beyond mere ethics, empowering them to make informed decisions.
As parents and caregivers, it is essential that we are well-informed to have open and honest conversations with our young people about these important and real issues.
St Joseph's College invites parents and caregivers to attend this presentation at no cost, however, we ask that you register here.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Possibilities Abound for Team Mary Mac!
The College has seen a number of Cross-Country orientated events in previous weeks. Congratulations to those students selected to represent Inner Downs at the Darling Downs Cross Country trials next week and also good luck to the 13–19-year-olds who will attend the same event.
The Senior College Cross Country was held Friday, 26 April and the competition was a tight one! There was some great house spirit on display, and all who competed in their race are to be commended.
Our Age Champions for the day were:
12 Years Piper York and Riley Murphy
13 Years Adabelle Spies and Max Kouokam
14 Years Lucy Gunders and Riley Hoare
15 Years Riley Holland and Max Doveton
16 Years Bella Scrivens and Jonas Vanderzee
17 Years Charli Botham and Ryley Schmaling
18 Years Belle Berry and Will Connolly
Tenison House ended up winning the Senior College leg of the Carnival; however, the overall winning House for the P-12 Cross Country was PENOLA HOUSE! This follows their win at the Swimming Carnival. Can Penola make it a clean sweep at the forthcoming Athletics Carnival? Time will tell!
On Tuesday, 7 May we saw 50 students and staff travel to Warwick for the QCIS Cross Country Carnival. Despite many students being unable to attend due to illness, we managed to finish 4th and won the 10 Boys, 12 Boys, 11 Girls, and 16 Girls Age Groups. It was a great day.
For the first time this year, the College entered teams into the AFLQ Schools Cup. Last week, the Senior Boys contested their competition and it's fair to say that most of our players were novices to the sport; however, Coach Varley reported much enthusiasm and some positive results for the lads. The lads recorded a draw and a win and went very close to finals.
Similarly, this week, our Junior Girls (with even less experience) came together and recorded a win, a draw and 2 losses from their 4 games - an outstanding effort. Coach Webber held a number of training sessions prior to the day and the girls had a great time learning some new skills. Many thanks to Assistant Coach Varley for his time in supporting the girls.
In both teams, students seized the opportunity to represent their College and I commend them for their efforts.
This week, Coach Burke took boys and girls from the Senior School to compete in the Darling Downs Schools Cup Hockey Titles. Again, many of our students seized the opportunity to play a sport that they have very little experience in which enabled their hockey playing peers the chance to play for their school. Coach Burke reports the girls did very well, competing keenly with the best schools in the region, and recorded a draw and a win. The boys battled well and scored more goals than last year which is a positive! Thank you to our student umpires who gave up their time and congratulations to Noah who was appointed to officiate the girls final.
Football and Futsal
To say there's a bit on would be an understatement!
Our Under 15 Boys qualified for the 3 v 4 play off at the annual Bill Turner Cup in our local area. The winner of this match earning the right to play off against Stanthorpe area winners in an effort to advance to the next stage of the competition. The boys played outstanding football, twice coming from behind in the match to equalize and then eventually win in a very tense penalty shootout against a very well-drilled Harristown High team. The boys played over 3 hours of football on the day, which is a lot more than they usually play. Many thanks to Mr Barr for his guidance on the day. Our play-off game vs Stanthorpe will be played at Mary Mac and we encourage as many spectators as possible to come and support this team play.
Our Under 14 Boys travelled to Goodna to play Westside Christian College in the ISSA Cup. After conceding early, the boys knuckled down and played a good first half of football and were unlucky not to score a couple of goals. Westside pulled further in front early in the second half with a very good long-range goal. To the boy's credit, they dug deep and were able to equalise with about ten minutes left. The home team again went ahead via a spot kick, but with 3 minutes to go, we scored from a corner to clinch a 3-3 result. Our Under 19 Girls and Under 19 Boys will contest the UhlSport Cup in coming weeks.
Our Senior and Junior Girls teams began their season in style, both recording big wins. The girls play at 4:00pm on Mondays and most weeks there is a game at Mary Mac. We would love to see some support for the girls.
We recently travelled to Gatton to contest the FQ Futsal Titles. This competition is played in 13s, 15s and Open age groups for both boys and girls. Our 13s and 15s Boys were successful in winning through to the next round with our 13s and 15s Girls set to play Lowood for the right to advance in a few weeks' time. Both teams played Grammar in the Grand Final with the 13s winning and the 15s falling at the final hurdle. Thank you to the staff and parents who supported our teams.
Celebrating Dance Excellence at Mary MacKillop Catholic College
In a remarkable achievement, the talented dancers from MMCC have once again proven their prowess on the dance floor. The MMCC Dance Troupes recently participated in the Kingaroy Eisteddfod, and their outstanding performances garnered well-deserved recognition.
Primary School Section: 2nd Place
For the first time ever, MMCC entered the dance competition with their Primary School Dance Troupe. The young dancers showcased their passion and dedication, leaving a lasting impression. Their hip-hop routine earned them 2nd place, a remarkable achievement considering it was their debut performance.
Primary Dance Troupe
Senior Dance Troupe: Hip-Hop and Jazz Excellence
The MMCC Senior Dance Troupe, comprising seasoned dancers, continued to shine. Their hip-hop routine impressed the judges, securing them a Highly Commended accolade. In the jazz category, their performance stood out, earning them another Highly Commended recognition.
Senior Dance Troupe
These achievements reflect the hard work, dedication, and passion of MMCC’s dancers and Miss Harm and Miss Lauverjon who choreographed and directed the dances. Under the guidance of their talented instructors, they continue to elevate their skills and bring joy to audiences through their captivating performances.
Jess Burke Middle Leader - The Arts
Never Forgotten- MMCC Drumline
The rhythmic beats of the MMCC Drumline echoed through the streets of Brisbane City on ANZAC Day, as students from Years 2 -12 proudly represented the Toowoomba Region. Their participation in the Commemorative March was a testament to their dedication and musical talent.
ANZAC Day reminds us of sacrifice, courage, and resilience. The MMCC Drumline’s participation in the March ensures that the sacrifices made by our veterans is never forgotten. The MMCC Drumline performance exemplified unity, pride, and respect—a true reflection of the ANZAC spirit.
Jess Burke Middle Leader - The Arts
Junior Fun Run Awards
During the Junior College Cross Country, students in Years 1 and 2 participated in their fun run. Pictured are the speedy students who placed in the event. Congratulations to all students who had a go and participated in the Cross Country.
Year 1 Fun Run WinnersYear 2 Fun Run Winners
Mrs Carmen Campbell Teacher
40 for Fortey
It’s time to get our teams together for 40 for Fortey. Last year the students outran the teachers by a mile. So it’s time to lace up and get training.
40 for Fortey is a local running event held in Toowoomba every year in memory of Police Officer Senior Constable Brett FORTE (affectionately known as ‘Fortey’) who lost his life in the line of duty on 29 May 2017.
The 2024 event will be held on Sunday, 2 June 2024 at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. Registration is $25 per runner. All profits from the event are donated to the Queensland Police Legacy Scheme.
The main event on the day is a 40km relay-style event comprised of 10 laps of a 4km circuit around the Toowoomba Showgrounds and Criterium Track. The event can be completed individually or as a team of 2-10 members.
There is also hold a 4km Remembrance event which can be completed as a run or a walk. The 40km event commences at 6:30am. The 4km Remembrance Walk commences at 8:00am.
We would love to see you involved in our College team for this great community event.
If you would like to be involved please complete this form and you will be allocated to a team. Further information, including a registration link and runners timetable, will follow once team number have been determined.
Hello to all our Mary MacKillop Catholic College (MMCC) families and staff to this the April/May edition of the Parent Engagement Network (PEN) Newsletter.
We hope the College children, staff and families have settled into what will be an exciting and rewarding Term 2.
Some brief updates on recent and upcoming PEN events:
Junior School Disco:
The Junior School Disco was held last Friday and, with 75% or more of each Junior year levels attending, proved to be a great success. In no small part due to the tireless efforts of Tenille Dyne, Anthony Barrett and a small army of volunteers. We take this opportunity to thank all our volunteers, staff and Senior students who assisted on the night. Without your planning, organising and guardianship of the event, this would not have been possible. So, thank you! We encourage all those parents and guardians who have yet to register as volunteers to please do so. Your help will ensure the future success of this and other events.
Mother’s Day Raffle:
The Mother’s Day Raffle closed on Friday morning and was drawn at the breakfast. A wonderful opportunity to celebrate all our College mothers and those in our extended circle, and an unmissable opportunity to vie for some great prizes. These prizes would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors including Highfields Tavern, Highfields Remedial Massage, Highfields Discount Pharmacy, Highfields Florist, Kerb Café, Snap Fitness, Ella Bache Toowoomba, Bella Bootique, The Body Shop, One Stop Stationery Supplies and WholeLife Pharmacy and Healthfoods. To all our sponsors, we say a big thank you.
Congratulations to the Winner of the MMCC Mother's Day Raffle - Beth Watt
Upcoming Events:
Principal’s Twilight Tours:
Our second Principal’s Twilight Tour will take place on Wednesday, 29 May. It is aimed at Senior School enrolments. This is a great opportunity to meet and share your own experiences of MMCC with prospective students and their families. We should all be rightly proud of our College community and the values and the ethos we hope to cultivate. The first impressions of our visitors are often indelible. Please consider volunteering for this event and making their experience of the evening a truly positive one.
PEN General Meeting:
The next general meeting of the Parent Engagement Network is scheduled for Tuesday, 27 May at 5:30pm in the Senior Administration. There are a number of exciting initiatives to be presented and discussed. We invite and encourage all parents/guardians and staff to attend and help shape the future of our College. We hope to see you there.
On Sunday, 19 May, Catholics and Christians celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, from the Greek word Pentecoste meaning fiftieth. Fifty days following the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the completion of His Passover. It also completes the season of Easter. It celebrates a seismic event in the lives of the early Christians, Christ’s closest followers and friends, and the gift of the Church herself. Indeed, it is viewed by many as the ‘birthday’ of the Church.
It fulfils Christ’s promise to his apostles and followers, to endow them with the Faith, knowledge, understanding and skills to take His message to the far beyond. Manifest as the descent of the Holy Spirit upon his apostles, Holy Mother and earliest followers, an event that sets them upon a path of evangelisation. The universal Christian Church is born! And rapidly expands.
Christ invites the earliest Christians, and us, into a personal relationship. Not some remote, abstract concept. So inspired were many of these early Christians that they willingly and gladly endured persecution and death in defence of Christ’s eternal legacy. This invitation, just as real, is extended to all Christians to this day. Through words and actions, like the early Christians, we too can nourish and deepen this relationship with our Lord.
For those of us who are Catholics and Christians, as we prepare for Pentecost, may we spend a little time to ponder not only how we can most effectively evangelise our Faith, but also how we can nurture this inestimably rich friendship.
Tamerea Fritz and Gabor Kalotay Co-Chairs, MMCC Parent Engagement Network
Mary MacKillop - Outside School Hours Care
Term 2 is now well underway, and we have engaged in many exciting activities at OSHC such as Musical Freeze to get our dance moves ready for the Junior Disco. Origami, Chess, Soccer, and Master (A Basketball type game) continue to be favourites!
Please see below for some exciting images that have been taken during the first weeks of term 2.