And so, we come to the final newsletter of the academic year!
I enjoy playing a memory game with my daughter that requires us to link animals with their collective nouns. So, if we turn over the ‘hedgehog’ card, we hope to then turn over the ‘a prickle of hedgehogs’ for a match. It has been a bit of a lesson for me because the depth and variety of these collective nouns are surprising and kind of enjoyable.
For example – how fantastic to be a ladybird and to, once you’re with your friends, to be in a ‘loveliness of ladybirds’. If you are a narwhal and go to a gathering, you join a ‘blessing’. Ferrets when they gather form a ‘business’. Some of them are pretty functional. For example, a ‘constellation of starfish’ seems just commonsense. Of course, there are those that are flattering like a ‘parliament of owls’. There are some that are a bit judgmental like a ‘riot of kookaburras'. That’s nowhere near as offensive as a ‘bloat of hippopotamus’, which just seems rude.
It has made me think of us as a collection of learners, and how we might present ourselves. It is sad that we don’t have an accepted collective noun for school children. Regrettably a ‘school of fish’ means we can’t just co-opt that word. How do we even begin to describe the coming together of such passion, joy, wonder, inquisitiveness, soul, spirit, faith, doubt, aspiration, resilience, perseverance, teaching and learning that our whole community enables?
I cannot think of anything that does it justice, and maybe it is best we don’t even try.
Thank you so much for your support this year. I hope you all have a lovely, blessed and safe Christmas break. All the best and prayers to those departing us.
I am so proud to lead Mary MacKillop Catholic College, and I hope that is obvious.
Chris Gabbett
College Principal
Uniform Buys Swap Sell
SAVE THE DATE - The Parent Engagement Network (PEN) will be hosting a Uniform Buy, Swap & Sell event on Monday, 20 January 4:30pm to 7:30pm.
This market style event will allow families to buy or sell second-hand uniforms. Registered individuals will be provided table space within the MacKillop Centre to display their items, with everyone welcome to come and buy! Further information, including how to register, will be sent out to the parent community early in the new year.
Tamerea Fritz and Gabor Kalotay
Co-Chairs, MMCC Parent Engagement Network
Deputy Principal's Update
It has been a truly magical last few weeks here at Mary MacKillop with the art of celebration being masterfully displayed by so many at our College. As someone new to the community, it has honestly been a beautiful time to see how everyone comes together to celebrate individuals and groups within our 'family unit.'
The Year 12 celebrations were moving, fun and poignant ranging from Troy Brunner's epic poem at Graduation Breakfast, to the throngs of people hugging the bank of the Highfields Cultural Centre to catch a glimpse of the Year 12 'celebs' arriving in their souped up V8s or vintage classics. From the lovely buzz and hum of the canapes in the garden to the class of 2024 smashing out the Macarena and YMCA - I may have joined in ..well, when in Rome right? And then to top it off was the packed-out Graduation Mass and 'clap out' which was such a beautiful rite of passage for Year 12, but also the younger year groups who saw their future lives before them - my two certainly felt that quite strongly.
The Academic Awards (thank you to Claire Clapham and team for putting on such a smooth 'show' when in truth it is highly complex) celebrated nearly 200 students at the College who have shown perseverance and passion in the pursuit of academic excellence - something we can often run shy of, but I am glad at MMCC it is still front and centre of our core aspirations and objectives. I loved hearing the phrase ' if you did not receive an award tonight, don't be down heartened. We urge you to work hard, keep going and strive to do your best each and every day.' Again, this resonated with my family with my youngest inspired by what they had seen and since then I have seen a steely resolve to work towards that goal. Sometimes by NOT 'winning' we truly grow as individuals.
With the Year 6 Graduation events (I so enjoyed the Year 6 dance- what a beautiful event and yes I may have attempted to join in much to the dismay of my family); Term 4 Josephite Awards; P-4 Joeys in Action awards (what an absolute pleasure to watch the whole year groups performing and celebrating one another's achievements); the moving, funny, joyful Mary Mac's Got Talent (am I too old to audition for next year ?) alongside the well-attended merit trips and it's been celebration all the way! And do you know what? That's really important.
Turn on the news and more often than not the stories we hear are tragic, concerning, depressing even. It's a tough world out there for sure and as parents we all worry what the future might look like for our most treasured children. However, we mustn't let that detract from the here and now - being present and joyfully, passionately, rambunctiously celebrating the successes of our loved ones. Perhaps the joy that we are showing these young people is something we could also mirror in our adult relationships? We find it easy to shower praise on our children but what about our partners, friends, family and colleagues? Let's not forget them.
Take care and enjoy the Holidays.
Richard Coe
Deputy Principal
Staff Profile: (Ben Maloney)
Your official role at the College:
College Chaplain
What does a typical day really look like:
Generally, assisting in classrooms throughout the school and offering support to our students. At lunchtimes I can be seen pulling a hammy, dropping the footy, sitting down out of breath somewhere or getting run down by a small army of preppies in the upper playground.
Secondary School attended:
I completed my secondary schooling at home. Leaving after Year 10 to complete my Fitter and Turner apprenticeship in Cambooya.
What do you like about working at Mary MacKillop?
I love the versatility of my role, the people I get to work with, and the opportunity to have a positive impact on the next generation coming through.
What are your hobbies/Interests?
I don't mind a good book and six months reading time to finish it. I took up knitting recently, it's a bit odd without the rocking chair. I don't mind most sports and I'm reasonably competitive.
Other interesting facts about yourself or anything else you would like to share with the MMCC community:
I like canoeing.
How is your work related to the 6 Ps?
I feel like the 6Ps are fundamental to our core as thriving human beings. As Chaplain, I enjoy the discussion of God, His intention for us and how through His sacrificial love we are all given the opportunity to thrive.
College Uniforms
The College has received an update form School Locker regarding school uniform stock.
* Formal Hats are currently available in all sizes except for size 53 as it is a new stock item and will be available shortly as a pre order item. Size 55 is limited but new stock will be arriving in early January. * Blazer stock is limited, however more stock will be arriving in Early December. * Junior Sport Polos and Sports Shorts are available. * Senior Sport Polo size small/87cm should be back in stock in first week of December. * Senior Girls Skirts will be available late December/early January.
Reminder that we have arranged for a Pop-Up Uniform Shop to operate out of the Emanuel Solomon Arts Precinct foyer during the following times:
The Pop-Up Store will be manned by a dedicated School Locker employee who will be trained by the College in the uniform look book so we envisage a smoother transition in 2025.
Online orders will remain available as normal throughout the changeover.
The staff at the Cafe would like to say thank you to all of you for your support throughout 2024. Have a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
We look forward to serving you in 2025 with a new menu.
Janeen Fotia
Cafe Manager
Staff Leaving and Arriving
As ever, there are some staffing changes in 2025. We have some departing staff and some who are changing roles within the College.
Naomi Goddard has been an amazing servant of the mission at Mary Mac since July 2006, particularly in Learning Support. Naomi is retiring from education, and we hope that is restful and rewarding.
Jen Stevenson has been employed by Downlands College in a Careers related role. Jen has made a huge contribution at our College as a junior and senior teacher and has been simply transformative in her Career Development Practitioner role. We wish her all the best.
Bec Morgan has been on leave for a couple of years. This year she communicated her desire to resign her post for a change of career. We wish her all the best and thank her so much for her work here.
Ryan Cavanough will be continuing his career at Fairholme College in Toowoomba. Ryan is a very well-regarded teacher in the Senior school, and we wish him every success.
Ashlyn Martin will be leaving her post supporting our Marketing and Communications team to study further her studies in this area at QUT.
Bec Wong decided to take a break from education shortly after the Term 3 break. Thank you Bec for your contribution this academic year.
Belinda Webber will be returning to her native South Australia after some years in North Queensland and a year with us. Thanks, Belinda, for your support of our Math's Department this year.
Annabelle Perrignon has had a wonderful impact this year. She has decided though to join our former deputy Charmaine Cridland at The Industry School in Russell St. All the best and thanks Annabelle.
Kate Vanderplas has supported as a School Officer and as a teacher for the past few years. She has resigned her post to support family.
Chloe Lauverjon will also be departing. Chloe will teach dance at Glennie and support the French department there. Chloe has had a tremendous impact in her time here.
Verity Epetahui will be leaving MMCC today. She will be continuing her career at Glennie. Many thanks Verity for your support this year.
Emma Weller and family will be temporarily relocating to the Sunshine Coast, but we will welcome them back in 2026. Emma has supported in Learning Support and Prep this year.
Piers Dudin resigned his Curriculum Lead: Math's post at the end of 2023, and he will take up the leadership of Math's at Downlands College following a year of teaching in the UK.
Brad Griffiths made the decision during this year to step down as Midde Leader: Sports and Student Engagement. Brad will remain at the College in a teaching role, but I think it important that we acknowledge his immense efforts and outstanding leadership of this area.
Tim Connolly has also made the decision to step down from the Curriculum Lead: English post. Tim has done tremendous work in building a Senior English curriculum. Fortunately for our students he will be staying on as a teacher in the English department.
Kate Carroll and Amy Dwyer will relinquish their acting roles as AP Teaching and Learning and Junior Middle Leader. These colleagues have had a positive impact during Nat Adler’s absence – huge thanks!
There are also some staff taking leave in the new academic year.
We have several staff either commencing or continuing maternity leave. Monique Cotter started her maternity leave last week, and she will be absent for all of 2025. Maddie Kings commenced her maternity leave at the end of Week 7, and she will return to a full teaching load in 2026. Shelley McCasker will commence her maternity leave today and will be absent for the next academic year. Jen Langerak will continue her maternity leave into 2025. School Officer Molly Harm will commence maternity leave this week and will return in the 2026 academic year.
Emma Cook is planning on taking maternity leave from Term 2, 2025. Amy Dwyer will take on the teaching of 4A from Terms 2-4. Amy and Emma will collaborate in the second half of term 1 to ensure a smooth transition for these students.
In addition, Sandra Miiller will be on leave from the Library for Term 1.
As should be expected in a growing school, we have some new staff joining us in 2025 and some current staff taking on new posts.
We welcome back to the College Kate Murdoch who will return to teaching Senior English, Humanities and Religious Education.
Malcolm Langerak will move from acting to substantive in his role as Curriculum Lead: Math's.
Troy Brunner will take on the role of Midde Leader: Sports and Student Engagement.
Genevieve Duncan will take on a new position; Curriculum Lead: Physical Education and Performing Arts. This will work alongside the posts held by Troy Brunner and Jess Burke.
Sophie Shadlow will join our PE and Science Departments. She is originally from Warwick, and she has been teaching in North Queensland in a regional high school for the past 4 years. She is excited to be moving back south to a College full of opportunities and hopes to provide new opportunities to students.
Lilliana Cowen is joining us from St Mary’s College in Toowoomba as Curriculum Lead: English.
Celine O'Sullivan joins us from St Joseph’s College, Toowoomba and will support in the Humanities and English departments. She will find common souls in our Senior Schools as she finds joy in literature, history and art (travel, books, museums, galleries, theatres), plus comedy, puzzles and softball.
Ange Smith comes from Concordia College. She will be supporting in the Humanities Department.
Colin Heemskerk joins us from Southern Cross Catholic College in the Redcliffe Peninsula. He looks forward to joining a new community. He will be supporting in Math's and Tech.
Jess Burke (a different Jess Burke) will cover Maddie Kings’ maternity leave in Year 3. Jess is a graduate teacher who made a tremendous impression when on Grad Placement in our Prep Classrooms.
David Lewis has moved to us from St Mary’s College in Toowoomba to be closer to home while his two boys are still young. He is looking forward to teaching in the community where he lives. David will be teaching Senior Math's.
Andrea Goddard will join us as Career Development Practitioner from Toowoomba Anglican School. She is originally from central QLD and has been living and working in Toowoomba for the past 20 years. She looks forward to starting the new year at Mary MacKillop.
David Hood will offer his experience and expertise in Senior Religious Education. He joins us from St Mary’s College.
Kaye Broadfoot will join the Arts Department across P-12, teaching some Senior Drama and Junior Performing Arts. Having spent 28 years of her teaching career in one school, she feels very privileged to now join Mary Mackillop Catholic College and call this flourishing community her home.
Michael Watson is a Toowoomba native, but he has been working at Catherine McAuley College in Mackay which is the newest Secondary School there. He and his wife welcomed a beautiful baby girl recently, and they are moving to Toowoomba to be closer to family. Michael will take on some Business and Digitech Teaching and fulfil Pastoral Lead Duties whilst Monique Cotter is on Maternity Leave.
Bec Lopez is no stranger to us, as she has worked here as a Learning Support Officer for the last four years while completing her Bachelor of Education. She is excited to embark on this journey of learning and growth with her students and she is committed to providing a supportive and engaging learning environment that motivates students to succeed.
Karan Chambers will support in Junior School Performing Arts, and Senior Dance. She will also coordinate Wakakirri. She joins us from Glennie.
Anita Coe is thrilled to be joining MMCC as the Music Teacher. She holds a BMusEd from the Qld Conservatorium and Master of Arts in Music Education from the University of London. She trained as a Pianist, but over the years she’s performed on many instruments including Trumpet, Guitar, Drum Kit, Steel Pans and Samba Drums.
Shannon Anderson will be pivoting slightly. Shannon is interested in pursuing a Learning Support role and will be sharing this responsibility with the teaching of 1C.
Another colleague having a slightly different 2025 is Amy Dwyer. Amy will be supporting in the Library for half of her timetable in Term 1 and will be supporting Year 7 transition for the remainder, before returning to Year 4 teaching from Terms 2-4.
As ever, we have a very settled P-6 roster. Please see below the class and room allocations. Please note that P-6 Teacher allocations will be communicated in Week 0 of the Term 1.
Room Class Teacher
Possums Prep A Chrissy Carter Koalas Prep B Kaitlin Hawkins Bilbies Prep C Courtney Davis Argyle 1A Michelle Lever Eyre 1B Kara Sheather Jindabyne 1C Lisa Preston/Shannon Anderson Coolabah 2A Sarah Hand Silky Oak 2B Elissa Chapman Banksia 2C Vicki Murphy Moreton 3C Jess Burke Kepple 3B Tamara Hill Tabletop 3A Zoe Phillips Warrego 4A Emma Cook (T1) and Amy Dwyer (T2-4) Fraser 4B Julia Thomas Stradbroke 4C Beth Eldridge McPherson 5A Annabelle Cowen Bunya 5B Susan Jones Gowrie 5C Bec Lopez Kynoch 5/6D Mel Skewes McIntyre 6A Kate Carroll/Kirsten Moore Diamantina 6B Craig Hubbard Condamine 6C Craig Faessler
Chris Gabbett
College Principal
MMCC Mobile Phone Policy 2025
Mary MacKillop Catholic College Mobile Phone and Wearable Smart Devices Policy
Mary MacKillop Catholic College has discerned that it is necessary to ban non-College internet enabled devices from the College and associated College activities. The College is doing this for the following reasons:
* Reducing Distractions: Mobile phones can be a significant distraction in the classroom, diverting students' attention away from lessons and reducing their ability to focus on their studies.
* Improving Academic Performance: Studies have shown that banning mobile phones can lead to improved academic outcomes.
* Decreasing Bullying and Cyberbullying: Mobile phones can facilitate bullying and cyberbullying. By banning phones, we can create a safer environment for students.
* Enhancing Social Interaction: Without phones, students are more likely to engage in face-to-face interactions, which can improve their social skills and foster a sense of community.
* Promoting Better Mental Health: Excessive use of mobile phones has been linked to increased anxiety and depression among students.
* Encouraging Physical Activity: Without the distraction of phones, students may be more likely to participate in physical activities during breaks and lunchtime.
For the purposes of this policy, ‘mobile phones’ includes smart watches, other electronic communication devices, and associated listening accessories, such as, but not limited to, headphones and ear buds.
“Off and away all day” includes before school and at break times, and after school, until students are off the College site.
All students are provided with a locker, and it is requested that phones are kept in lockers through the day.
Parents are asked to consult with the College before the commencement of the year if students have medical or exceptional circumstances requiring a mobile phone or a wearable smart device.
All communication between parents and students, during school hours, should occur via the College administration.
For multiple offences of non-compliance with this policy, student enrolment at the College will be under review.
There is a complete ban on the use of mobile phones for all students from the time they arrive at Mary MacKillop Catholic College (the College) to the conclusion of the school day (“off and away all day”) unless the student has been granted an exemption to monitor a health condition as part of a school approved documented health care plan.
The Mary MacKillop Catholic College Mobile Phone Policy applies to all off-site College events, such as sports events and academic excursions.
The College acknowledges that some students may have parent/carer endorsement to use mobile devices in these cases:
- need their mobile device for safety reasons
- need their mobile device for an urgent family situation happening outside of school
- need their mobile device because of a health condition.
There is, however, a complete ban on the use of mobile phones for all students from the time they arrive at Mary MacKillop Catholic College (the College) to the conclusion of the school day (“off and away all day”). If there are any concerns regarding students needing a device for monitoring a health condition, parents will need to seek an exemption from the College, forming part of a school approved documented health care plan.
The same processes and sanctions apply for wearable smart devices as any mobile phone. If a student requires a wearable smart device of any type, the same exemptions and processes as above apply.
Any breaches of this policy will be managed in accordance with the MMCC Wellbeing Framework.1
The use of a mobile phone on the College grounds constitutes the presence of a banned item, and in most cases a first offence will be dealt with in line with stages 4 and 5 (page 17). Repeat offences or defiance in adhering to this policy will result in stages 6-10 (pages 18/19).
Chris Gabbett
College Principal
A New Building for the Senior School
In June of this year, I joined Paul Bryant from Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office in Brisbane to seek capital funding from the Federal Government for school buildings. We received notification on Wednesday from Senator Anthony Chisholm's office to congratulate us on the $3.6m Commonwealth Funding from QCEC for an additional two-storey building for the Penola Section of the Senior School. We can now commence a tendering process.
Paul Bryant will support the College in ensuring that all tenders access building facilities that can assemble the new classrooms off-site, so interruptions to Senior classes are limited. The new building will be ready for teaching in 2026, if not slightly sooner.
Chris Gabbett
College Principal
Mission & Identity
Reason for the Season
At this time of the year the shops are full of Christmas decorations - tinsel, baubles, trees, lights, chocolates, lollies and lots of ornaments. Have you ever thought about what the meanings are behind each of these things?
Today, I am going to focus on the candy cane. Let's start with the white part of the candy cane.
A sweet symbol of the holiness and purity of our sinless Savior (2 Corinthians 1:5-7, 1 John 1:7) and a celebration that through His sacrifice our sins were washed away, making us white a snow (Isaiah 53:5). White is a symbol of purity, and Christ, which is used throughout the liturgical year of the church. In the sacrament of Baptism, the baby has a white cloth placed on them symbolising that they are having Christ put on and being welcomed into the faith community.
The Red Stripes
A visible reminder that by the shedding of Christ’s blood and His death on the cross we were rescued from our sins and given eternal life. (Ephesians 1:7 &2:8,Revelation 1:5,John 3:16, Luke 22:20). We also share in his blood through the bread and wine at Eucharist - a constant reminder for us!
The Shape - a Shepherd's staff
Jesus is the Good Shepherd and His sheep will hear His voice and follow Him. (Psalm 23:1, John 10:11,John 10:27-30, Isaiah 40:11) On the night that Jesus was born, shepherds who were in the field minding the sheep when they heard about a saviour being born from a choir of angels. They wanted to see this saviour and so went to visit the baby Jesus, bringing themselves as humble, hardworking people.
The Shape - 'J'
When the candy cane is turned upside down, it looks like a “J” representing the name of the baby born in in a stable in Bethlehem: Jesus, which means Savior (Matthew 1:21, John 3:17). The reason we have Christmas! We also remember that Jesus' earthly father, Joseph, played a very important role in protecting him as a baby but also teaching him in the Jewish tradition, as was his custom.
As you enjoy a Candy Cane this this holiday season, may it be a delicious reminder of why we celebrate Christmas every year–to praise and proclaim our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Have a very holy and safe holiday.
Paula O'Rourke
Assistant Principal Mission and Identity
Senior School
Exploring New Heights
The University of Queensland (UQ) has long been recognised as a leader in fostering innovative learning experiences. One of the most exciting opportunities available to students today is the chance to participate in the STEM program.
On Thursday, 21 November Year 8, 9 and 10 students were given the opportunity to explore STEM with UQ at MMCC. Whilst the Cert III Aviation Class of 2023 and 2024 completed their practical assessment for their CASA Drone license either for 7kg or, for the first time 25kg.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Drone license is a prestigious certification that allows individuals to operate drones safely and legally in Australia. This certification is particularly important for students interested in fields such as engineering, environmental science, and data analysis, where drone technology is rapidly becoming a crucial tool.
With UQ students participated in hands on workshops lead by current Engineering, Information Technology and Architecture students. They included a 'Sketching Masterclass'- for drawing building plans, 'Design for a better world' - designing towns and cities of the future, 'Earthquakes' - designing the tallest and most structurally sound towers before they were tested on the earthquake simulator, 'Binary Coding' - how to communicate with computers and 'Emergency Health Mission' - designing the emergency helicopters of the future.
Thank you to University of Queensland (UQ) and Skills Generation for continually working with MMCC to provide our students these opportunities.
Junior School
ICAS Award Recipients
ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) is an optional external test that students can decide to participate in each year. ICAS is designed to target students’ higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills. This year in the Junior School, we had students participate in the Writing and Mathematics test. Students receive an award ranking from participation – merit – credit – distinction – or high distinction.
This year, the following students received awards. Congratulations to:
Evie – Writing participation and Mathematics participation
Noah – Writing credit and Mathematics merit
Eli – Mathematics participation
Kayden – Mathematics participation
Liam – Mathematics distinction
Year 1 - 6 Academic Awards
At our recent Junior Assembly, students from Year 1 – 6 received an Academic Award. Congratulations!
Year 1 Academic Awardees
Year 2 Academic Awardees
Year 3 Academic Awardees
Year 4 Academic Awardees
Year 5 Academic Awardees
Year 6 Academic Awardees
Term 4 Joeys Badge Recipients
Please congratulate our Term 4 Joeys Badge Recipients.
Prep Bronze Joey Awardees
Year 1 - 3 Bronze Joey Awardees
Year 4-5 Bronze Joey Awardees
Year 6 Bronze Joey Awardees
Prep Silver Joey Awardees
Year 1 Silver Joey Awardees
Year 2 Silver Joey Awardees
Year 3 Silver Joey Awardees
Year 4 Silver Joey Awardees
Year 5 Silver Joey Awardees
Year 6 Silver Joey Awardees
Prep Gold Joey Awardees
Year 1 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 2 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 3 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 4 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 5 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 6 Gold Joey Awardees
Year 1 Fire Safety Visit
This week our Year 1 students were treated to a visit from the Highfields Fire Department. QFES Fire Fighters visited our classrooms to teach the students about fire safety and the role of a Fire Fighter. Students watched a demonstration of what a Fire Fighter looks and sounds like in their response clothing, and were taught how and when to Stop, Drop and Roll; to Get Down Low and Go, Go, Go and Don't Hide Scream and Shout!
Students were taken outside for a tour of the fire trucks and a spray of the fire hose! The Fire Fighters then said goodbye and left the school with their sirens and lights going for students to see. We are very grateful to the Highfields QFES for giving their time to our Year 1's once again.
Michelle Lever, Kara Sheather and Beth Eldridge
Year 1 Teachers
Elevate Your Leadership
In Week 9 of Term 4, Kate Carroll and Lisa-Marie Preston, our Primary Middle Leaders, completed the Elevate Your Leadership Course. This was a program facilitated by Toowoomba Catholic Schools and Neil McDonald, CEO of EDGE Institute. From survey feedback, coaching, and a 2-day face-to-face professional development, Kate and Lisa-Marie set a leadership goal which they’d work on throughout the year. Additionally, they participated in a leadership survey, webinars, and an additional coaching session. They learnt valuable strategies, processes, and developed their knowledge around improving themselves as leaders. At the final gathering, they both presented about their goal, leadership journey, and next steps to other members of the course. It was an invaluable opportunity for both Kate and Lisa-Marie, modelling possibilities and partnership. The Elevate Your Leadership course will run again in 2025 and there are already several staff signed on. Congratulations Kate and Lisa-Marie!
Defence Member and Family Support Newsletter
Cherie Healing (Education Liaison Officer Department of Defence) has emailed to our College the attached Defence Member and Family Support newsletter. Cherie sends this newsletter to Schools and Colleges within South Queensland, if she feels they may have defence families enrolled.
Advent Reconciliation Liturgy: Wednesday, 18 December 6:00pm St Theresa's Parish Centre.
Tuesday, 24 December: Christmas Eve 4:00pm MacKillop Centre, Highfields.
Tuesday, 24 December: Christmas Eve 6:00pm St. Theresa's Parish Centre Toowoomba.
Wednesday, 25 December: Christmas Day 7:00am MacKillop Centre, Highfields, and
Christmas Day 8:30am St Theresa's Parish Centre
Priests' Retreat is 4 - 11 January 2025
Wishing the Mary MacKillop community a blessed and peaceful Christmas season.
Christmas Vacation Care at Mary MacKillop OSHC!
Our Christmas Vacation Care Program has been released! We have six weeks planned of many exciting experiences such as Christmas activities, excursions, water-play days, wheels' days, craft activities, cooking activities, and many more! Email us at TCKC - OSHC to secure your spot now.
Please see our Christmas Vacation Care Program below.
Garth Rochford
OSHC Coordinator
Construction of a New Church at MMCC
I am excited to inform our community that, following the discernment of Bishop Ken Howell and meetings between the College and Father Brian Noonan, plans are being drawn up to build a church on the College site. This new church will serve as a spiritual home for the Highfields (and hinterland) Catholic community and for Mary MacKillop Catholic College. This significant development marks a new chapter in our mission to provide a place of Catholic distinctiveness and identity for the Highfields community.
The distinctiveness of Catholic education lies in its commitment to everyone’s holistic development. It emphasizes the dignity of the human person, integrating academic rigor with moral and spiritual formation. As part of that Catholic educational mission, the new church will serve as a centre for spiritual growth and learning. We are dedicated to fostering education that integrates faith, academic excellence, and service, and the church will provide a sacred space for students to deepen their faith through regular Mass, sacraments, and religious education programs.
Additionally, the new church will play a pivotal role in our youth ministry. Recognizing the importance of nurturing the faith of our young people, the church will support various youth-oriented activities, retreats, and community service projects. These programs aim to engage our students in meaningful ways, helping them to grow spiritually, develop leadership skills, and build a strong sense of community.
Of course, all this important work in the educational mission of the Church will be alongside the church as a place for the Parish to worship and build community. St Mary MacKillop Parish have for a very long time been itinerant throughout Highfields and surrounds. This building will enable them to leave the MacKillop Centre and have a bespoke, unique and sacred home.
The new church will be in the Junior College. Adhering to my belief that the College must plan and design intelligently to be sustainable as we grow, it will be built in the green space within the Prep horseshoe outside the Prep classrooms. The project will be designed by our College architect, Lester Ehrlich from Elia Architects.
Father Brian Noonan said this about the project: "This new church will not only be a place for worship but also a beacon of hope and unity for our community. We are grateful for the support of our parishioners and the broader community in making this vision a reality."
Both the Parish and the College are inspired by the joint mission of St. Mary MacKillop, and our efforts are deeply rooted in her legacy of compassion and dedication to education. Her vision continues to guide us as we strive to serve those in need and foster a spirit of inclusivity and support within our community.
I will join Father Brian, representatives of the Diocese/Parish, Parent Engagement Network and Toowoomba Catholic Schools Office in forming a steering committee to progress this exciting project, conscious of the importance of aligning this to the strict protocols and guidelines of Catholic school funding.
Chris Gabbett
MMCC PEN Newsletter
Hello to all our Mary MacKillop Catholic College (MMCC) families and staff to this the December and final edition of the Parent Engagement Network (PEN) Newsletter for 2024.
As the last week of the teaching year rapidly draws to a conclusion, we reflect upon the year gone by and thank all those whose tireless efforts made this possible.
To Mr Chris Gabbett and the teaching and support staff of Mary MacKillop Catholic College, thank you for your dedication and commitment to our students. Enjoy the well-earned break.
It has also been a very busy and fruitful year for our PEN members. With an ever-increasing number of successful PEN events this year, our reliance upon the generosity and resilience of our volunteers is greater than ever. We would like to make special mention of Tenille Dyne, Paula Kavanagh and Catherine Farlow for their remarkable tenacity and organisational abilities throughout the year, and so too our ‘pillar’ Leaders and all volunteers who have assisted at these events during 2024. Without their commitment to these events, next to work and family, none of these events and the significant funds they raised would have been possible. The 2025 Calendar of Events has expanded further with some exciting new initiatives which we will let you know about closer to the date. If you have not yet registered as a Mary MacKillop volunteer, we ask you to please consider doing so for the new year.
A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of participating in the farewell of our Year 12 cohort. To all our graduating students we wish you every success in your future endeavours and look forward to seeing you again at next year’s alumni events.
You may have noticed, in the advertisers none too subtle ways, that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…. The commercial and social imperative to sell and buy often obscures the true and only meaning of this celebration, that being, the Birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. God’s singular gift, His only Son, sent to restore humanity’s fall from God’s Grace. For those of us who are parents or carers of children, the idea that we bring a child into the world to sacrifice, suffer and die for the failings of others is incomprehensible. Yet that is the measure of God’s infinite love for his children, us! As Catholics and Christians, this is a seismic event. Pre-ordained and prophesied centuries before His birth took place, God’s ultimate gift of love would change the course of humankind forever. Despite this, Christ’s life begins in a very precarious and unspectacular way. A vulnerable, fragile infant born to a young woman and her carpenter husband, whose first hours of earthly life were spent in a stable amongst livestock. No fanfare, no bright decorations, no sumptuous repast to greet His arrival. Like His loving parents, humanity and humility personified. As we prepare for the coming festive season and all the treats and trimmings that this may entail, may we also reflect upon the light, hope, love and forgiveness Christ’s birth affords us if we open our hearts to Him and follow.
All of us in the Mary MacKillop Catholic College Parent Engagement Network would like to take this opportunity to wish our students, their families and our staff a very Happy, Holy and Safe Christmas, and a wonderful New Year.