What is a teacher?

“Teachers develop curriculum and lesson plans, and present those lessons to their students, individually or in groups. They track the progress of their students and create reports to inform parents about their progress. Teachers are responsible for maintaining a safe and respectful classroom environment, in order to optimize student capabilities and develop their love of learning. Teachers are required to have a bachelor’s degree and a teaching credential.” ~ https://www.glassdoor.com.au
This is a pretty standard definition of a teacher. But if you were to ask a teacher for their definition of their role, it would be much, much more.
What is a teacher at MMCC?
At MMCC being a teacher is more than just the physical act of teaching. Being a teacher means being involved as a learner, being a nurse, being a mum, having a listening ear, having humility and empathy. Living with integrity and honesty. Being kind and compassionate. Turning up each day with a positive attitude and a willingness to inspire young minds.
Students at MMCC trust their teachers with their problems. Teachers provide a safe sanctuary for the most vulnerable. Our teachers have infinite patience and possess good listening skills, even on the busiest of days. They possess empathy and can adapt to the most challenging of circumstances.

Our teachers possess a lifelong love of learning and instil this passion with those they teach. MMCC teachers provide real-world learning opportunities and prepare their students for a world that does not yet exist. Teachers bring their creativity and personality to the learning experience.
Teachers make personal sacrifices for their students, often putting the needs of their students before their own families. Why? Because teaching is more than a job. It is more than showing up at 8am and leaving at 3pm. Our teachers care about each and every student they have in their class and only want to see them succeed.
Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, calibre, and future of an individual. Our teachers feel a great responsibility to ensuring this is enacted.
Teachers at MMCC inspire hope and ignite the imagination. Our teachers are an important part of the students’ life. They care about their students unconditionally and willingly work with parents to ensure a positive outcome for students.

Our teachers make a difference for all students. They allow students to pursue their passions and support them along the way. They show students how to find the answers themselves and how to manage their own learning. MMCC teachers help students to recognise their own abilities and guide them to succeed on their own.
Teaching is a tough gig, but it is also one of the most rewarding jobs where you get to positively influence and connect with students on a personal level. When it’s done right, the impact is huge.
Why am I sharing this with you? We often assume that all places of learning will offer the very best of teachers, but this is not always true. However, MMCC is one of the lucky places where these such teachers exist. They are always striving to do better, be better.
“A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, knowledge and wisdom in the pupils.” ~ Ever Garrison
Mrs Natalie Adler
Assistant Principal Teaching & Learning: Junior