Tips to Finding Work Experience

For many students work experience is their first exposure to working life. It is a short-term placement, designed to provide insight into the industry or field they are interested, but as parents how can we support them to find the placement best for them?
Here are some tips for supporting your child:
- Encourage your child to think about what kind of placement interests them.
- Read through the example of work experience providers found here and see if any interest your child.
- Discuss your career pathway with your child.
- Encourage them to have realistic expectations. Work experience is designed as an opportunity to observe and learn, not undertake skilled tasks.
- Ask questions such as:
- What do you like to learn? What do you think you have talents in?
- What is your dream career?
- What challenge excites you in your life right now and why?
- What does success look like to you?
- What are you passionate about?
- If you had to start a non-profit what would it support? (this helps identify their passions without a monetary figure attached).
- Who do you most admire and why?
If your child is still unsure about their areas of interest, they could take the Career Personality Quiz found in the Student Area of the Careers Portal to help guide them into areas they may be interested in.
Work experience is a valuable program in the year 10 provides our young people an opportunity to develop self-awareness and confidence, understand the links between school subjects and the world of work, develop skills required in the workplace and meet new people who could help them in the future.
If you have any questions about Mary MacKillop Catholic College’s work experience program, please contact Jennifer Stevenson or Christie Richardson at the college.
Your Pathway Team
Kris Naiker, Jennifer Stevenson & Christie Richardson