Mary MacKillop Announces 2019 College Leaders

Feature Articles Tuesday, 05 Mar 2019

We are pleased to announce our 2019 College Leaders in our Junior and Senior School. 

In the senior school, our 2019 Leaders are Connor McKerrow – College Leader,
Caitlin Lang – College Leader, and Holly Hutchison - Vice College Leader (Transition and Wellbeing).

The three Year 11 students submitted applications for the positions and were chosen by the College Leadership Team based on their exemplary conduct as members of the College Community.

As the most senior students in our growing College, the trio have consistently shown leadership qualities through their volunteer work at College and Community events, and are committed to setting a good example to their peers both academically, and in their extracurricular pursuits.

Connor, Caitlin and Holly were inducted as College Leaders at a whole College Mass held on Friday, 22 February and presented with badges to wear with pride.

Mary MacKillop Catholic College Junior School Leaders Annabelle Fox and Jarrah Sunatwanitkul are excited to lead their peers this year.

To be chosen as junior school leaders, Jarrah and Annabelle had to submit an application to the Head of Junior School and have it endorsed by another teacher. They then had to give a speech to their peers, before being voted in.

Both students said they felt proud to be leaders, with Jarrah adding that achievements such as this take a lot of hard work. Annabelle and Jarrah feel that their position is not just about the badge; being a junior leader is all about helping those in need and recognising that everyone’s voice matters. They will be involved in a buddy program with Prep students and assist in presenting at assemblies and College Masses.

The duo hope that this experience will help them to become more confident with public speaking and will prepare them for their journey into senior school. Jarrah feels that Mary MacKillop Catholic College “offers a great learning opportunity for children and has nice teachers and students”.

Jarrah and Annabelle along with their fellow Junior Leaders were presented with their badges at the College Assembly by new Principal, Mr Chris Gabbett. 

The Junior Leaders are divided into four main categories, including:
Captains: Annabelle Fox, Jarrah Sunatwanitkul.
Cultural Leaders: Grace Brosnan, George Worner
Pastoral Leaders: Darcy Richardson, Jack Haddow
House Leaders: Flynn Zanette, Lucy Williams, Sam Lowien, Kya Manz, Bryson Holm, Angus McKenzie, Bianca Philp, Lily Vanderzee

To celebrate their achievements and discuss opportunities to be a great leader, the Junior Leaders were invited to an afternoon tea with the Principal.