Get Up, Stand Up and Show Up in Solidarity

As a Catholic College in the Josephite Tradition, we must speak a language of solidarity, community and celebration. The banner of 'Get Up, Stand Up, Show Up!' brilliantly announces this call to action.
We have been really honoured this week to have Winangali Infusion with us to support our acknowledgement of NAIDOC Week. This group have supported the College in a celebration of culture through storytelling and dance. As an inclusive community, these celebrations are tied directly to our College priorities - indeed, I have placed in the Annual Action Plan the goal to 'Celebrate the diversity of the College community through symbol, prayer and liturgy, in a way that consciously engages with the Giabal and Jarowair people of the greater Wakka Wakka nation'.
Immersing our young people in the culture of Australia's first nations people strengthens our future, and I am incredibly proud of the Witness our students have shown this week. It is a practical action that enables greater understanding.
Chris Gabbett