Fake News: A literary shake up!

Friday, 30 June 2023

We have a whole College approach to literacy using a number of different strategies. We use the Write That Essay (WTE) tools and approaches, and this term it was the use of vocabulary in a narrative. Our goal is to recognise student growth with writing and implementation of WTE sentence styles. In our Junior College, each year level selected a theme based on one Learning area, with one student recognised per cohort for their writing and acknowledged with a certificate.

Under the leadership of Mrs Adler, Ms Preston and Mrs Dwyer, we used a number of different topics and stimuli to get the students excited about writing.

Some of the stimulus included a magic rock that had been found near the Uluru construction site, a weather report of an approaching storm, historical accounts of the First Fleet, and a selection of early twentieth century building and household tools.

We are very indebted to Sean Weller from Newlands Construction, Lindsay Reid from Reid Consulting Engineers and Lester Ehrlich from Elia Architecture who collaborated with the College to produce a news report of an earthquake that had hit the College and the processes required to 'future-proof' the buildings. Their performances were so polished and convincing that all students produced great writing but some felt there may have actually been an earthquake!

Activities such as these provide really fertile ground to engage our students in writing, and enable a way that we can consistently show growth in literacy, and help them feel more assured and positive as a writer.

Mr Chris Gabbett

College Principal