Exploring Uni Pathways

On Friday, 1 April 2022 a group of Year 11 and 12 students participated in our first University Tour of Brisbane. Whilst visiting Griffith University - Nathan campus, UQ campus and QUT - Garden Point campus we were given a private tour by University student ambassadors of the facilities and programs on offer. First stop was Griffith University, where students participated in a scavenger hunt throughout the University. Students were required to find particular buildings, lecture rooms, landmarks and the Hub. It was thoroughly enjoyed and with prizes on the line, a great way to learn your way around the campus quickly.
After hearing the benefits of attending UQ and its extensive undergraduate program, students were mesmerised by the ornate sandstone architecture and the extensive eating options available to them! The shear size of these educational facilities left our students astonished and dreaming of what attending this university would be like.

QUT’s E-sports teams had some of our students begging to be left there to show these university students how it was done. With QUT – Garden Points focus on business, engineering, architecture, urban development, law and STEM it has already become first preference for some of our students.
It was an outstanding opportunity for Mary MacKillop Catholic College students to further understand what these Universities have to offer should they wish to peruse a Tertiary education in Brisbane. It gave them first hand contacts with 2nd year students who answered questions and discussed how they could establish a balance between lectures, work, sport and developing a new social network in their first year of Uni. This tour will be offered to year 11 students annually to enable them to fully explore all options available to them as they move into year 12.
For more information on this and other Pathway opportunities, contact the College's Your Pathway Team at higyourpathway@twb.catholic.edu.au and keep watching our College Instagram stories for behind the scenes of this tour!