Celebrating the 2022 Awards Presentation Night

One’s ability to excel is limitless: Defeat is optional!
What does achievement look like?
Is it putting effort into schoolwork? Is it receiving awards that mark your achievement? Is it doing your absolute best in your subjects? Is it simply improvement overall?
In fact, Educational Excellence is all of these things combined, and more. Achieving excellence stems from a mindset that strives for it. Motivation, focus, continuous improvement, pride in oneself and the understanding of one's capabilities allows for any student to achieve excellence. There is no limit to what can be accomplished should the individual pursue set goals with a dedicated mindset.
“Be faithful and lose not one opportunity of merit that presents itself to you”
(Mary MacKillop 1873)
When young people excel, it is rare for the achievement to be an individual accomplishment and much more typical for the achievement to be a collective effort, coming from teachers, parents, friends, other family members and community allies. This support, combined with the student’s intrinsic motivation to achieve is recognised and celebrated at our Annual Awards Evening.
In 2022 at Mary MacKillop Catholic College, we recognise success in the following categories:
- Academic Success Gold Years 4-12
- Academic Success Silver Years 4-12
- Academic Improvement Years 4-12
- Top of Subject Years 7-12
- Sports Awards Years 4-12
- Arts and Culture Awards Years 4-12
- Pathways Years 10-12
- All Rounder Award Years 4-12
- Spirit of Mary MacKillop Award Years 4-12
- Jarra Award Years 4-12
- College Dux Year 12 (announced 2023)
Congratulations to the 2022 Award Recipients!