Celebrating the 2021 Awards Presentation Night

"Success doesn't just happen. It is a product of hard work, grit and ingenuity". ~Ogwo David Emenike
At Mary MacKillop Catholic College we have high expectations of our students. High expectations promote both students’ academic, sporting and cultural achievement, and their wellbeing. Research shows that the expectations of teachers, parents and peers affect students’ self-esteem, feelings of self-efficacy and their academic motivation. These motivational factors are strongly linked to learning and achievement.
"A river cuts through a rock not because of its power, but its persistence" ~ Unknown
The annual Awards Presentation is an occasion where students are recognised and awarded for their hard work, perseverance, and determination throughout the year. It is an opportunity to honour exemplary students for achievement and advancing excellence within their respective domains of success.
Each Year the Awards Presentation grows with an increasing number of students being recognised. Students were recognised for their achievement in the following categories:
- Academic Success Gold Years 4-12
- Academic Success Silver Years 4-12
- Academic Improvement Years 4-12
- Top of Subject Years 7-12
- Sports Awards Years 4-12
- Arts and Culture Awards Years 4-12
- CWA Award Years 7-12
- School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship Award Years 10-12
- All Rounder Award Years 4-12
- Spirit of Mary MacKillop Award Years 4-12
- Jarra Award Years 4-12
- College Dux Year 12
Congratulations to all 2021 awardees!