Aspiring Health Professionals

On Tuesday, 16 August, ten students from Year 9 and 10 attended the Aspire 2 Health Program at UQ – Rural Clinical school. The program is designed for students with an interest in a health career. Aspire2Health is a collaboration between Griffith University, Southern Queensland Rural Health, The University of Queensland – Rural Clinical School, Queensland Ambulance Service, the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise, Darling Downs and West Moreton Primary Health Network and Western Queensland Primary Health Network.
The event is an opportunity for high school students to learn about what it’s like to study a health degree at University and be exposed to the various health professions that work in the health sector. The program allows students to meet with local health students and professionals and to have some fun learning some of the key skills taught in a health degree. Students met with Physiotherapists, Sports Physiologists, Emergency Nurses, Psychologists, Midwives, Medical students, and many more.

“The staff were inviting and involving, which made it a really enjoyable day” Kaitlyn Greenhalgh - Year 9
“It was good to learn about the different health careers” Tayla Horrobin - Year 10
“I loved every little bit of the Aspire 2 Health day. I loved learning new skills that you probably wouldn’t learn until you enter that type of schooling in University. It also opened my eyes up to more opportunities in the healthcare industry knowing it’s never too late to change careers and that I never will be limited to one specific area in the industry.” Belle Berry - Year 10
"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to go to the Aspire to Health Day this year as it was not only fun, but extremely informative. It honestly made me change my views in some areas of the medical fields. All teachers and staff were so supportive and genuine when discussing in what they work in. I would love it come again next year." Eustacia Golobic - Year 9
Your Pathway Team
Jennifer Stevenson and Christie Richardson